Year Founded: 1872
Theme: “Omens and Auguries”
Photographer: Nola Vows Photography
Charity: The Pro Bono Publico Foundation is Rex’s charitable foundation, focusing its giving on improving public schools in New Orleans. Over the past 12 years the Foundation has given grants totaling nearly $7 million, $1 million in each of the last four years.
Her Majesty Queen of Carnival Miss Sarah Eleanor Lane
His Majesty Rex, King of Carnival, Mr. Joseph Storey Charbonnet
Pages Master Collier Pratt Villere and Master Robert Edward Milling
Maid Miss Rebecca Emerson French, Duke Mr. William Knox Van Horn, Maid Miss Erin Selber Autenreith, Duke Mr. Robert Howson Weinmann, Maid Miss Lindsey LeJeune Gibert, Duke Mr. John Crichton McCall Schwegmann Brown, Maid Miss Julia Armstrong Saer and Duke Mr. Davis Storey Charbonnet, and Page Master Collier Pratt Villere, with His Majesty Rex, King of Carnival, Mr. Joseph Storey Charbonnet and Her Majesty Queen of Carnival Sarah Eleanor Lane, and Page Master Robert Edward Milling, Duke Mr. Harry Bartlett Kelleher IV, Maid Miss Ellen Lorraine Gambel, Duke Mr. William George Wyeth Coulter, Maid Miss Lydia Vivian Calhoun, Duke Mr. William Mitchell Whann, Maid Miss Lucille Caliste Currence, Duke Mr. Walker Earling Simmons Bright and Maid Miss Charlotte Hollingsworth Friend
Duke Mr. William Mitchell Whann, Maid Miss Lucy Caliste Currence, Duke Mr. Walker Earling Simmons Bright, Maid Miss Charlotte Hollingsworth Friend, Duke Mr. William George Wyeth Coulter, Maid Miss Lydia Vivian Calhoun, Duke Mr. Harry Bartlett Kelleher IV and Maid Miss Ellen Lorraine Gambel
Duke Mr. William Knox Van Horn, Maid Miss Rebecca Emerson French, Duke Mr. Robert Howson Weinmann, Maid Miss Erin Selber Autenreith, Duke Mr. John Crichton McCall Schwegmann Brown, Maid Miss Lindsey LeJeune Gibert, Duke Mr. Davis Storey Charbonnet and Maid Miss Julia Armstrong Saer