325 Minor St. | Kenner | 504-468-7221 | www.rivertowntheaters.com
Theatre 13 pros Gary Rucker and Kelly Fouchi are back with another rocking season at the lovely riverside theaters in Kenner.
“ 13 the Musical ” (Oct. 11-20). This grown-up story about growing up is directed by Cherie Ducote. When his parents get divorced, Evan Goldman must move to small-town Indiana and face the horrors of making new friends.
“ Harvey ” (Nov. 1-16). Starring Ricky Graham, directed by Gary Rucker. The story of a six-foot-tall rabbit invisible to everyone except Elwood becomes a fun play for the family.
“ Annie ” (Dec. 6-22). Directed by Kelly Fouchi, choreography by Heidi Malnar. The perfect Broadway musical for the family is set in New York City during the 1933 Christmas holidays.
“ Under the Board walk ” (Jan. 10-25). Directed by Rich Arnold. With tight harmonies and cool choreography, the New Orleans Buddies bring pop hit favorites to the stage.
“ The Ladies of the Camellias” ( March 14-29). Directed by David Hoover. The diva of all farces.