The Sheraton New Orleans Armstrong Ballroom was the site of a star-studded lunch on November 2, as the Celebrity Waiters IV Luncheon took place. With the NFL Retired Players Association as its sponsor, the luncheon featured numerous NFL greats: Rickey Jackson, Warren Bankston, Jim Dombrowski, Brad Edelman, Norm Hodgins, Steve Korte, Rob Krajewski, Rich Mauti, Derland Moore, Bernard Robertson and Nate Singleton all sported aprons and took orders for guests.
The event featured a live auction including a George Rodrigue print; dinner for four with “Cajun Cannon” Bobby Hebert; Saints jerseys signed by Drew Brees, Jeremy Shockey and Tracy Porter; and a Hornets jersey signed by Chris Paul. Serving as emcees were Rene Nadeau of ESPN-TV and Doug Mouton of WWL-TV.
The brunch benefited the Bridge House, an organization that facilitates positive change and recovery in the lives of those who suffer from substance abuse. The Bridge House pledges to treat these individuals with dignity, honor and respect, as well as to teach them principles of recovery in order to become productive citizens. The Bridge House offers a therapeutic work environment that teaches clients discipline, ethics and marketable job skills.