We have discussed bridal party gifts countless times here at Let Them Eat Cake. There are items like monogrammed shirts or other clothing to wear while preparing for the wedding, jewelry to match the bridesmaid's dresses and many other options
from which brides can choose from. But what about the bride that wants to think outside the box? A new idea gaining in popularity is throwing a small fete for your maids. The most popular is a sleepover night. Take yourself and your maids back to the days of slumber parties, makeovers and movie nights. Use items you would typically have at a sleepover as small gifts to give to your maids over the course of the night. Pick your favorite items (consider a color or theme for the items making it easier for you to coordinate), get a gift bag or small decorated container to display the items, plan out fun activities and you’re all set.
A LTEC slumber party would include: a copy of New Orleans Bride Magazine; Ellen MaComber New Orleans map blankets and bedding; a mani kit from Pinch Provisions accompanied by a shade of Native Polish; Kendra Scott jewelry to match their bridesmaids dresses; Haydel's Hand Pies; and a movie filmed right here in New Orleans, like "21Jump Street" for laughs or a classic like "A Streetcar Named Desire."
What would your bridal sleepover include? Let us know in the comments.