The “Emotional Brain”

We all know how closely our sense of smell is tied to our memories – a hot apple pie scent might bring back baking with your grandmother, for instance. But sometimes scents bring unwanted memories to the forefront.

That was my experience in the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac. We were very lucky – just cosmetic damage and a few windowpanes (oh, and the air conditioner) – but as the days without power progressed, certain smells became apparent. Here are 3:


A musty, humid house with no a/c: When I wasn’t worried about mold, mildew and our house falling down around our ears, the smell was almost comforting, but most definitely reminded me touring Redwood National Park with my parents.


Refrigerator trash sitting out too long: This scent immediately takes me back to post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans. There is nothing like it. The smell turns my stomach and brings back all the fears I had about the city and its recovery. There’s just something about trash pick up that we all take for granted as a part of city life – until we don’t have it.


A refrigerator recently cleaned with Clorox: Yes, I know this one’s weird, but if you were the one to clean the maggots out of your icebox after coming back from a hurricane evacuation, you’ll never forget it. My husband recently cleaned out our fridge, and for a week, every time I reached in to get something, I lost my appetite.


So, to take our minds off of bad smells, below are 23 fabulous upcoming charitable events – all between now and the end of the month. Hope to see you at some of them!


Sept. 13: Celebration of Life Luncheon, benefiting Cancer Crusaders. For information: 889-2244


Sept. 14: 14 MADGALA, benefiting Boys Hope Girls Hope. For information: 484-7744,


Sept. 14: Scales & Ales, benefiting Audubon Aquarium of the Americas. For information: 861-5107


Sept. 15: Tango Celebration 2012, benefiting Casa Argentina New Orleans. For information: 234-9397


Sept. 15: Q’n for Kids 2012, benefiting Each One Save One. For information: 896-9979


Sept. 20: Howling Success, benefiting the Louisiana SPCA. For information: 368-5191,


Sept. 21: 19th annual Golden Tassel Gala, benefiting Jefferson Dollars for Scholars. For information: 831-1565


Sept. 21: Martini Madness, benefiting Friends of City Park. For information: 483-9376


Sept. 21: Gold Classic and ‘Cap’ture the Night Party, benefiting Caps for Kids. For information: 891-4277


Sept. 21: A Masquerade for Health, benefiting the Common Ground Health Clinic. For information: 365-8800


Sept. 21: Festival Extraordinaire, benefiting the New Orleans Opera Association Women’s Guild. For information: 504-5292


Sept. 22: 25th Anniversary Gala and Auction, benefiting the RHINO Contemporary Craft gallery and KID smART. For information: 523-7945


Sept. 22: Friends of the Poor Walk, benefiting St. Vincent de Paul. For information: 289-2465


Sept. 22: Inaugural 5K Canal Street Race to Stop the Violence to Support Crimestoppers of Greater New Orleans. For information:


Sept. 27-29: La Fête du Jardin, benefiting St. Anthony’s Garden. For information: Sarah Dunbar, 899-1905


Sept. 27: 23rd annual New Orleans Film Festival Gala, benefiting The New Orleans Film Society. For information:


Sept. 28: Justice for All Ball, benefiting The Pro Bono Project. For information: 581-4043


Sept. 28: LOVE In the Garden, benefiting the New Orleans Museum of Art. For information: 658-4121


Sept. 28: Colin Goodier Annual Golf Tournament, benefiting the Colin Goodier Annual Golf Tournament LSU scholarship. For information: 895-7076


Sept. 28: Annual Golf Tournament, benefiting the Kiwanis Club of New Orleans. For information:


Sept. 28: Fore! Recovery Golf Tournament, benefiting Bridge House/Grace House. For information: 821-7135


Sept. 29: New Orleans On Tap, benefiting the Louisiana SPCA. For information: 762-3307


Sept. 29: Inaugural Rhythm and Blues 5K Run and Fess’ House Party “New Orleans Style: A Benefit to Renovate & Preserve the Family Home of Professor Longhair,” benefiting the Tipitina’s Foundation. For information: 895-8477, concert tickets at

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