“Lights, Camera, Action” was the cinematic theme for the annual “CHAIRish the Children,” a benefit for the Louisiana Children’s Museum on Aug. 25. The museum dazzled as it was transformed into the perfect setting for a Hollywood-style party. The highlight of this event is the auction that featured creative chairs produced by artists, store owners, designers, restauranteurs, and local movers and shakers. Art, exquisite jewelry and elite seats at local restaurants and theaters, trips and other exciting items were on the auction boards as well. Melissa Scandaliato, as auction chair, put together the live and silent auctions. More excitement was generated with the entertainment: the Garden District, Troy Sawyer Trio featuring Joe Dyson, 3Manisha and
Bessie on the Mind.
Funds raised at the event benefit the educational programs and exhibits at the Louisiana Children’s Museum, which promotes hands-on participatory learning for children of all ages and encourages discovery through observation, inquiry, creative construction, role-playing, problem-solving and free play.
Buzzy Brown, event co-chair Joey Marcotte, Timothy Dwyer, and event co-chair Ann Dwyer
Vaughn Downing, Brian Quirk, and LCM executive director Julia Bland
Lizette Terral, Michael Walshe and Allison Stouse
Melissa Scandaliato and Elizabeth LeBlanc
Rick Conway and Jennifer Bollinger
Walt and Diane Navoy with Robby Moss
King Logan with Stephanie and Terrance Osborne