The Struggle is Real


It’s no secret that being kept in a close proximity with anyone for an extended period of time can cause a little tension. Couples around the country – the world, really – are experiencing this very feeling right now and having to find ways to reconnect as a couple and recharge as individuals.

The Knot partnered with “Lasting,” a marriage health app and also part of the The Knot Worldwide brand, to compile a State of Relationships Report.

The report’s goal is to analyze relationships and understand how couples are dealing with COVID-19 and the impact it’s having on their relationship. In a press release, the team said key findings included that the biggest argument couples are having since the pandemic is how often they are intimate. Additionally, only 18 percent of couples are satisfied with the way they are communicating during this time and 71 percent of couples are trying to binge-watch TV shows together while at home.

The report itself was based on answers received from engaged couples and couples that have been married and are registered through the “Lasting” app.

“More than 40 percent of couples report spending 20 plus hours [or] more per week with their partner than usual, with many even sharing spaces to work from home together,” stated the press release. “As a result, the majority of couples – 51 percent of engaged and 66 percent of married couples – say they’ve learned something new about their partner during this time, from how they handle stress to unknown snacking habits or new aspirations they may have for post-pandemic life.”

The report also pointed out how unique of a time this is for couples. Couples that have been together for decades could be learning just as much about their partner as couples that have only been together for a few years. The report stated engaged couples are actually 66 percent more likely to report a positive impact on the relationship than that of married couples (56 percent).

It’s a new playing field and there are no known rules to navigating social distancing with the one you love.

Click here to read the full report – which has data on areas from what couples are doing while spending more time together to how couples with kids are handling the situation – from The Knot and “Lasting.”




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