Dare to pair prints with textures like loose sweaters and bring out statement jewelry. Color is everywhere; spring has sprung!
Orange tweed jacket with patent leather details with a white silk tank with rhinestone neckline and black asymmetrical skort with exposed zipper at Elizabeth’s; tennis bracelets and chain link bracelet at Ballins LTD.
Alexis tank and hi-low skirt with accessories by Alexis Bittar, all at Angelique.
Navy blue and lime color-block sweater with nude snakeskin skirt at Chatta Box; perfectly clear Lucite box (comes with three inserts) by Charlotte Olympia at MIMI & CeCe Shoe; gold and stone cuff bracelet at Angelique.
Elizabeth and James fitted jacket with flowy Clover Canyon architectural print dress at FeBe; raw turquoise earrings at MIMI.
Polka dot dress and cherry hat at Trashy Diva.
ICB oil slick silk dress at Haute; Balenciaga sunglasses at Chatta Box; necklace and bracelets at Ballins LTD.
Michael Stars sweater at Ballins LTD; printed pants at Haute; statement necklace at Elizabeth’s.
Stunning orchid print caftan with leather-wrapped pearl, satin and chain necklace, both at Angelique.