Honoring Top Female Achievers is one of our more established traditions. It is also a practice that’s both easy and complex. The easy part is finding worthy candidates, for the list is long. The complex part is narrowing then down. The best we can do is provide samplings and to learn what we can. Each honoree has a story to tell, but we went a step further and asked them about the influences in their lives – yet another story quite often involving other women. The stories continue, as does the achieving.
To view individual profiles click the links below
Ann Henderson Tilton M.D.
Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics;
Section Chair of Child Neurology,
Louisiana State Health Science Center
Ashley Shabankareh
Director of Programs, Preservation Hall
Jesmyn Ward
Author; Associate Professor of English,
Tulane University
Carney Anne Nasser
Senior Counsel for Wildlife and Regulatory
Affairs, Animal Legal Defense Fund
Brandy Christian
Chief Operating Officer and Future
President/CEO, Port of New Orleans
Amy Boyle Collins
Director of Strategy, Gambel Communications
Jennifer Kelly
Owner and Principal Designer, Design Lab
Nicole Webre
Owner, Webre Consulting; Real Estate
Developer; Zoning and Permitting Consultant
Captain Katherine Jahncke
Fire Education Officer, New Orleans Fire Department
Tracee Dundas
Founder, New Orleans Fashion Week