Who says picking hardware has to be hard? We have done the legwork for you! Sit back and peruse everything from the hand-carved brass lion handle—chosen for the Versace mansion—to the aluminum levers from FSB, considered so design-perfect they are in the Museum of Modern Art.
Here are more than 40 products exemplifying the best of the very modern and most beautiful in the tradition of decorative design!
Hinging on it
Top row, left to right: Bouvet forged-iron hinge at Worner Hardware; Bouvet hinge from Baldwin; brass hinge at Accessories in Brass; and decorative hinge at Accessories in Brass. Second row, left to right: Bouvet pewter hinge from Worner Hardware; butterfly hinge at Accessories in Brass; Bouvet forged-iron hinge and Bouvet pewter hinge at Worner Hardware. Third row: Gate hinge at the Bank. Fourth row, left to right: Antique/reclaimed ball-type hinge at the Bank; Bouvet pewter butterfly hinge at Worner Hardware; and brass hinge at Accessories in Brass.
On lock down
Center, clockwise from top left: Decorative surface bolt and polished brass cabin door hook at Accessories in Brass; handmade iron surface bolt at the Brass Menagerie; and rim lock at the Bank. Clockwise from top left: Brass surface bolt at Accessories in Brass; Mortise lock for gate at the Bank; chrome surface bolt at Accessories in Brass; decorative surface bolt at Brass Menagerie; hand-forged hook at Brass Menagerie; satin nickel latch hook at Accessories in Brass; Mortise lock from FSB USA; casement fastener from Baldwin; surface bolt at Worner Hardware.
Get a grip
All knobs from the Brass Menagerie. Those from Versace Home: lion handle, second row; paisley patterned knob and handle, top row and bottom row.
Crystal Clear
Counterclockwise from center: Reclaimed knob and leaded crystal knob from Baldwin; diamond-glass cut knob at Brass Menagerie; Baldwin leaded crystal knob at Worner Hardware; two crystals knobs at the Bank; and leaded crystal knob from Baldwin.
Good lines
Counterclockwise from center: Chrome knob from Baldwin; Omnia polished nickel handle at Worner Hardware; oval nickel pull knob from Baldwin; aluminum curved handle from FSB USA; nickel pull knob from Baldwin; Omnia handle at Worner Hardware; Baldwin nickel handle at Worner Hardware; Baldwin stainless-steel handle at Worner Hardware; and two aluminum handles from FSB USA.