ooking for something to get you out of the house? Looking for something to do with your kids? Looking for a party activity? Looking for a way to get fit? Try hula hooping. Nola Hooping offers group and private classes, creates and sells hoops of all sizes and offers packages, including ones for parties.
I met Kimberly Lobert, who teaches at many locations throughout the greater New Orleans area, for a one-on-one lesson. I needed it; I’m 31 and have never hula hooped in my life – at least successfully. After 45 minutes I had learned nine tricks (including hooping one-handed, switching hands and, yes, jumping through the hoop) but still need some practice at the actual waist hooping part.
The next day I was sore all over, from my entire abdominal area, to the back of my arms, to between by shoulder blades. Hooping is most definitely a workout – but a truly entertaining one. Not only did I sweat, I had a blast cracking jokes and sharing stories with Lobert. A workout that’s fun – how many forms of exercise can you say that about? If you haven’t hooped since you were a kid, the staff of Nola Hooping will get you going again – with a smile.
Want to try it yourself? Visit NolaHooping.com for more information.