As well as constantly creating as much art as she can, artist Ursa Eyer recently had a comic go viral on Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post, which then translated into both Spanish and South African. She calls art “a compulsion to communicate” and wants to use her art to “connect with as many people as possible in the time [she] has.”
Her husband (local musician Steffan Pitzel) and her two “children” (a dog named Bruce and a cat called Dordlecat) share her life as an artist, which she says at times can be really challenging. “There are so many unknowns that come along with it that are really scary,” she says. “The self-doubt can be all-consuming when there is no direct path to follow.”
Eyer pushes through though, and is excited about her two upcoming projects this year: a surrealist graphic novel called Dogface and a large collaborative installation with New Orleans artist Sadie Sheldon, where they will marry their two very different styles in one synergistic art project.