Wediquette Wednesday: Can guests bring their own booze to an alcohol-free wedding reception?

Each Wednesday, we tackle wedding etiquette. At times, it’s a reader question or one from a colleague, friend or family member and other times we’ll cover a popular issue. (Note: Questions may be edited for clarity and brevity.)

Question: I was invited to an alcohol-free wedding. Can I bring my own?

Answer: When it comes to toting a flask to, for example, a horse race (or some other sporting event) or bringing a cooler with a few beers to a typically booze-free family reunion or casual gathering, I’m team do whatcha wanna. But, when a wedding reception is alcohol-free, it’s often because someone in the couple or the couple’s family is alcohol free either for religious or health reasons. That said, sometimes it can simply be that the couple are nondrinkers. In fact, the latter reason might become more and more prevalent as the sober curious movement gains momentum, particularly among generation Z. According, to a 2021 NielsenIQ survey 22 percent of American consumers reported that they were cutting back on alcohol consumption for reasons such as health and wellness and shifting interests. Whatever the reason for omitting alcohol from a wedding reception, it’s important to respect the couples wishes and abstain for a few hours. Guests who want to continue the festivities after the party can always go out for a nightcap or have one when they return home.  

Do you have a solution to share or a wedding etiquette question? Email

P.S. Listen to the latest episode of the new “The Wediquette: A Let Them Eat Cake Podcast,” here, on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

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