Each Wednesday, we tackle wedding etiquette. At times, it’s a reader question or one from a colleague, friend or family member and other times we’ll cover a popular issue. (Note: Questions may be edited for clarity and brevity.)
Question: My sister got married a few months ago. She is my matron of honor and her husband is my fiancé’s best man. In fact, they played matchmaker for me and my fiancé and are the reason we are together in the first place. For our wedding ceremony, we thought it would be lovely to have them walk down the aisle together before me, because they are so much a part of our meet-cute story. Can my matron of honor and the best man walk down the aisle together?
Answer: It’s less traditional for the maid or matron of honor to walk down the aisle with the best man, but there’s no rule against it. Plus, since they were recently wed and responsible for you and your fiancé meeting, it will add a romantic twist for those who know both couples. Go for it!
Do you have a solution to share or a wedding etiquette question? Respond in the comments or email Melanie@MyNewOrleans.com.