Each Wednesday, we tackle wedding etiquette. At times, it’s a reader question or one from a colleague, friend or family member and other times we’ll cover a popular issue. (Note: Questions may be edited for clarity and brevity.)
Question: My friend was scheduled to get married last year, but had to cancel due to COVID-19. She and her fiancé ended up eloping and are having a delayed reception next month. The couple sent out an elopement announcement asking people to make donations to a COVID-related charity instead of sending gifts. The reception invitation says the same thing. If I already made a gift donation for the elopement, do I make another one for the delayed reception?
Answer: Traditionally if you’ve already given a wedding gift, whether it’s a physical present, monetary gift or charitable donation, you are all set. It’s of course fine to make another donation, but you’ve already met your obligation, so anything further is up to you and your budget.
Do you have a solution to share or a wedding etiquette question? Respond in the comments or email Melanie@MyNewOrleans.com.