Each Wednesday, we tackle wedding etiquette. At times, it’s a reader question or one from a colleague, friend or family member and other times we’ll cover a popular issue. This question comes from the Winter 2015 issue of New Orleans Bride Magazine. (Note: Questions may be edited for clarity and brevity.)
Question: We had planned on sending thank you postcards after our wedding – they’re easy to make online, cheaper than traditional cards and we can use a photo from our wedding or honeymoon. But when my mother saw me ordering them online, she was appalled and told me that they were a horrible faux pas. Who’s right?
Answer: I enjoy receiving those post cards; I’ve seen some that are especially wonderful, such as a couple on the beach with “Thank You!” written in the sand surrounded by a heart. While these are lovely, they do not and cannot replace a traditional thank you card. However, they do serve as a perfect stopgap between your wedding day and the day when you finally get your thank you notes in the mail.
Do you have a solution to share or a wedding etiquette question? Respond in the comments or email Melanie@MyNewOrleans.com.