The struggle of every day life can really get to a person. The stress of your job, bills you always have to pay, a spouse or significant other – the list of worries is endless.
I don’t have a spouse, but I do have a nag that hangs around me always – my autoimmune disease. I’m constantly looking for ways to help my aches and pains. The spa, I have come to find out, is not only an indulgence I love to enjoy, but it actually helps with those pesky aches and pains of even every day wear and tear.
Recently, I had the privilege of trying a spa service I have never had before at Belladonna Day Spa on Magazine Street – a seaweed wrap.
If you’re like me, you immediately think of that commercial where the girl is quite literally wrapped in seaweed and she has to break her arm free. So, I was a bit apprehensive, but still excited. Let’s face it, a spa day is a spa day.
Everyone at Belladonna made it such a calming and serene place to be – I almost felt as if my loud, y’at accent demeanor was going to wreck the entire vibe.
Once it was time for my treatment to begin, Belladonna introduced a new amenity that I had never experienced before, a 20 minute aromatic “still” herbal bath. You’re led into a room that only has a bathtub and a bench and your massage therapist uses oils to create just the aroma you’re looking for to relax. I will admit, unless I head straight to a massage table, I start to get a little restless. And being in a bathtub, by myself, with no Netflix (per my typical bath experiences), I became very antsy.
However, I do see the allure and appeal it offers to those to help the relaxation along.
Once the bath was done, my therapist led me to the massage room, where I was met with even more new spa experiences.
Instead of just using some aromatic oils, extra steps are taken on every part of your body to ensure the collagen producing seaweed body wrap does the trick. You even get to take home the gloves used to exfoliate your arms and legs – which sounds gross, but I have used mine three times since the treatment.
The seaweed itself was nothing like the aforementioned commercial. It’s more like a paste and it is applied to the body with a paintbrush. I kept asking questions and talking, so this experience wasn’t the most relaxing, but I can definitely see how someone could fall asleep while being painted with seaweed. Once your whole body, back and front, are covered, you are then wrapped up like a burrito to seal everything in and left to nap. I kept worrying my wrap was going to come undone, but once that fear was out of my head I fell right to sleep – drooling and all.
You’re asked to use the shower in the room to wipe all the seaweed off before the final phase of the treatment – the actual massage. The massage part was no different than your typical massage, (we all have our different preferences) but I fully believe that I was much more relaxed, my body as a whole, because of each carefully planned step during the entire treatment as a whole.
My final thoughts on the treatment as a whole was a solid “A” – though I am a tough customer when it comes to things that are supposed to “relax” me. I would definitely suggest this treatment, as well as the many others Belladonna offers for individuals, couples or even for group events. They’ll definitely “sea” to it that you have a relaxing experience.